Members of the German American club met on Wednesday, July 19th, to begin planning our support for Oktoberfest events in the Las Vegas valley. These events are scheduled from late-September to mid-October.
About 17 members were present to discuss the dates, events, expenses, menus and workers for each activity. There was a positive response as the President outlined each event, and the activities that need support. Several members have already volunteered to lead these special "Booths" or activities. The planning committee will meet most Wednesdays at 6:00 pm thru September 27th, 2023, to discuss next steps and to receive progress reports from our Booth leaders. We will also be signing up activity volunteers, and cooks, for these events. Interested people are welcomed to attend the weekly planning sessions, which follow our Open House hours. Membership is not required. Please call 702-201-1448 to leave a question, or just join us at the meetings.
The German American Social Club of Nevada is an association of people committed to the preservation and sharing of this culture. To welcome interested people, the club is always happy to receive phone calls, emails, and walk-in guests.
To share the history of our club, and to foster visits, the Clubhouse is open each Wednesday, from 4:30-6:30. Since July, 2023, this "Open House" event has increased our walk-in traffic, and many guests have elected to join our association. Visitors often brought stories of their family, or their own visits to Germany. Each is a fun tale, and we often share laughter as we learn about their experiences. If you have questions, or if would just like to tour our traditional decorated Hall, please call 702-201-1448, or stop in at the next Wednesday "Open House". Mike Sipes has prepared a reception and remembrance for Erika Gries, on Sunday, July 23, @ 2:00. Erika brought life and laughter to the Club. Several speakers will share stories of her care, kindness and humor. There will be photos sharing the many days, and events, that Erika brought both life and fun. Everyone is welcome and a hosted reception will follow.
April 2024