![]() The Club and Members have been working for over two months now on planning, and handcrafting items, for our annual Fall Festival. Oktoberfest is October 13-14, 4:00-10:00 pm each day. There will be live music and food available to purchase. German Beers are always on-tap. If you would like a refrigerator reminder, or you want to pass festival information on to friends, please download the attached 2023 event flyer. - - FLYER - - (click)
Bavarian Night
On Saturday, November 11, 2023, we will be holding our annual "Bavarian Night" in Honor of Elsie Lappoehn (1919-2013). Elsie was the Founder of the German-American Social Club of Nevada. Silvia, her Haxenmeister, Skip, and his Crew, will be the Chefs. You have a choice of Schweinehaxe (pork shank) for $ 25.00, or Beef Rouladen (Top Sirloin stuffed with onion, bacon, and pickle in a brown gravy) for $20 Since this event sells out quickly, please make your reservations ASAP by leaving your name and number on the club phone. Specify how many in your party and which dinner number of each menu you will need. Ein Prosit !! Call 702-201-1448 to reserve your menu choices for you and your guests. ![]() For guests that want a small token to celebrate their visit to our Southern Nevada Club, how about a commemorative Hat Pin? The Pin is designed to symbolically celebrate our bi-cultural emphasis. The design is similar to the award given to members for each 5-year increment of continuous service to our Club. See the Bartender to purchase a Hat Pin. ![]() There are many pages of information about our organization on this website. If you would like to review the Application Form, you can download it HERE. Membership is $35 annually; however, there is a first-time application fee of $10 (waived if over 60 years old). Our club is a growing, and dynamic part of Las Vegas. We hope you and your family can be a part of our future. President Eric entered his year of club service on July 1st, 2023. As the President, he adopted two organizations to benefit from his targeted fundraising on behalf of the Club, "Toys-4-Tots", and the "Nevada Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America".
The first of the President's Community Service Campaigns will close on September 9th, when veterans, and chapter staff, join Eric and the membership for dinner, and the presentation of the accumulated donations. The evening is celebration of their service, and our commitment to support these veterans. Members of the community that would like to make donations before that date, or join our dinner donation event that night, are welcome. Donations can be mailed to the GASCON 1110 E. Lake Mead Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV. Please add a memo PCSC PVA, and address the check to "The German-American Social Club of Nevada". The President's Community Service Campaign fundraising for Toy-4-Tots will continue in to October. Donations will be presented to the Marine Corps Reserve this Fall. In the Summer months, the Club suspends our dinner service on the first Saturday of each month so we can have a "Back-Yard BBQ". Using our large grill and a hot wood fire, members bring their own cuts and flavored meats and vegetables for grilling. From the time around the grill and around the table, we enjoy soft music and conversation.
Most everyone brings a side dish, and our spontaneous potlucks are an adventure. For the remainder of 2023, we will have a BBQ on September 2nd and October 7th. Walk-in guests are welcome, but please call the preceding week (702-201-1448) with a short message about your side dish plans. Welkommen! The September edition of the Newsletter published on August 30th, and was uploaded to this website.
If you would like to receive the newsletter directly, or if you are no longer receiving it, you can make a request on our webpage. You can also email your request directly to GERMANAMERICANCLUBNV at GMAIL.COM The 2024 ISPA Las Vegas Skat Tournament is scheduled for Friday, January 19th, through Sunday, January 21st. The competition will feature players from North America and Europe. Registration is currently open with the Santa Monica Skat Club ([email protected]). Additional posts will provide more detail over the next three months. The German-American Social Club of Nevada welcomes the organizers of this annual tournament and the players that will compete.
April 2024