Helen and Art Ruckle, longtime members of the German-American Club of Nevada, will be renewing their vows on Saturday June 11, 2016. Erika will be cooking schnitzel and the Oompa Rama band will be playing. Seating is limited so reserve your place early. $15.00 for members and $18.00 for visitors to the club. Please call 702-649-8503 to make reservations.
A big thank you to Fran Caldwell and Joanne Frazier for the beautiful and tasty Louisiana Evening! Thank you also to your helpers! This ongoing event has been a lot of fun!
The next Heimatabend will be Berlin Night on Wednesday, May 18 by Silvia. The charge will be $12 for members and $15 for visitors. Call the Club by Friday, May 13 for reservations at 702-649-8503 and specify Berlin Night. If you are interested in hosting a night, please call Silvia Brunn, Heimatabend Chairperson702-876-8221 A big thank you to Rita Taschner for the beautiful and tasty Polish Evening! We had 24 people attend and everyone enjoyed the food, the music and the decorations! Thank you also to your helpers! So far this
event has been a lot of fun! The next Heimatabend will be on Wednesday, April 27th by Fran and Joanne. They will be preparing a Louisiana Evening with a Mardi Gras Theme. On the menu will be Gumbo and Catfish with Lemon pie for dessert. The charge will be 12 Dollars. Call the Club by April 23rd for reservations at 702-649-8503 and specify Louisiana Evening. Submitted by Silvia Brunn, Heimatabend Chairperson If you are interested in Hosting, please call me at 702-876-8221 German-American Social Club of Nevada 1110 East Lake Mead Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89030 (702) 649-8503
The German-American Club Gong Show will be held on January 23d, 2016. If anyone would like to participate in an act, please contact Art at (702) 3530690. This even has been very sucessfull in the past, so you might want to reserve you dinner early.
Dinner this night is Bavarian Bier Gulasch and Pretzel Dumplings by Ingrid $13 members / $16 non-members Please RSVP by Wed Jan 20 Starting this January will be adding a monthly "Heimatabend" to our calender. It will be held on a
Wednesday and members or guests of different regions of Germany or anywhere in the world, will be preparing a dinner traditional to a certain city or country, bring pictures or videos and talk about that particular place, and give us some highlights about traditions and customs. This event will be limited to about 20-30 people to make it cozy and fun. Our first Hosts will be our members Richard and Sabine Schneider, from Basel, Switzerland and they will be preparing a Cheese Fondue on Wednesday, January 13th at 6:00 pm. Please make your reservations by January 6th and remember that seating is limited, first come, first serve. To make your reservations, please call Silvia Brunn, Event Chair Person at 702-876-8221 Call me if you would like to be a Host or Hostess Krampus Night is becoming a fast favorite! December 26, 2015 Krampus Night Coq Au Vin (Chicken in Wine) by Suzanne $13 members / $16 non-members DECEMBER 12, 2015 $35 per member - $40 per non-member SHRIMP COCKTAIL PRIME RIB BAKED POTATO - SALAD - VEGETABLE A COMPLIMENTARY GLASS OF WINE DESSERT BUFFET TABLE Seating is LIMITED; Must Be Prepaid Please send in the ticket below with your check or money order to reserve your seat by DECEMBER 5 Download and print the PDF below to send in your monies. Silvia is a favorite cook around the club and provides a variety of dinners throughout the year. Visit our Saturday Night Dinners page to see photos from our past dinners.
Click Here To See the Page Visit our Saturday Night Dinners page to see photos from our past dinners. Click Here To See the Page Past Pulled Pork Dinners
April 2024